1. Personal Details:

    Do you undertake injectable treatments?*

    ** Injectable – Treatment administered using a needle and syringe such as Intramuscular injections, Intravenous injections and Aesthetic cannulas.

    ** Non-injectable – Treatments administered using non-invasive methods via pricking of the skin such as facial needling, Mesotherapy, micro-needling

    Tattoo Studies only: The Insured is registered with the appropriate local authority and have never been subject to a negative outcome from a Health and Safety at Work inspection?

    Do you hold UK Accredited training certificates for the injectable treatments you wish to perform?

    Which qualification do you hold ?

    Do you perform training?

    What cover do you need?

    Medical Mal Practice

    Have you held this cover before

    What is the retroactive date on your current policy? (the date you first took out a medical malpractice policy)

    What limit of indemnity do you require?

    Public Liability

    What limit of indemnity is required?

    Building Insurance

    Tenants Improvement

    How much coverage is required for tenant improvements?

    Please confirm your buildings are all:

    Constructed with external walls of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slate, tiles, concrete, metal, asbestos or any other non-combustible material

    Free from cracks or other signs of damage that may be due to subsidence, landslip or heave and have not previously suffered damage by any of these causes

    Not within 250m of a water source, have not ever been flooded or received a flood alert, and no part of your working space is below ground level

    In a good state of repair and occupied solely as offices

    Heated by a conventional electric, gas, oil or solid fuel heating system

    Fitted with electrical installations which are inspected at least every 5 years by a qualified electrician and any defect remedied

    Lifts, boilers, steam and pressure vessels inspected and approved to comply with all of the statutory requirements

    Employer Liability

    How many emplyoee do you have

    Content Insurance

    How much insurance coverage is required for the following

    Please confirm

    All external doors and internal doors giving access to any part of the building not occupied by you, are secured by an activated locking device when unattended

    Any external door, or internal door providing access to any part of the building not occupied by you, is secured by means of:

    All ground and basement level opening windows and any upper floor opening windows/skylights accessible from roofs, balconies, fire escapes, canopies, downpipes and other features of the building are secured by means of a key operated locking device or permanently screwed shut

    6. Please confirm:

    Your premises and fittings are kept clean and in such good repair as to enable them to be cleaned effectively.

    All treatments or procedures are conducted solely in the treatment area and all sharps are disposed of in a sharps container, and any other waste material arising from a procedure is placed immediately in an appropriate waste receptacle in accordance with health and safety legislation

    You do not perform treatments relating to clinical trials

    You do not perform spinal joint manipulations where a high velocity
    manipulation consisting of a violent thrust and contortion of the spine is
    used to achieve the audible popping sounds or cracking of the cervical,
    lumbar, or thoracic spine in an attempt to realign or adjust the spine

    For the purposes of record keeping that all your clients sign a consent
    form in respect of each new procedure which includes the name and
    address of the client; date of birth of the client as well as the form of
    verification; nature of the procedure; medical history; the name of the
    therapist carrying out the procedure.

    For any procedures requiring of after that you provide all clients with written aftercare advice in a form that the client can retain and take away with them

    If no, to the above question please provide details:

    8. Please confirm you have not been:

    Refused suspended, withdrawn or conditions or restrictions imposed by a regulatory or licensing body

    Subject to a criminal conviction (excluding motor offences) or have any pending criminal matters awaiting a court hearing.

    Subject to any claim or circumstance or complaint which may result in a Medical Malpractice, Professional Indemnity or Public Liability claim.

    If no, to the above question please provide details: